SBE series - current status

During December 2019, the SBE partners issued requests for expressions of interest (EOI) for a single world event, to be held in 2023, and for a series of regional events to be held during the period April 2021 to the end of 2022.
The EOIs for the World SBE 23 event were subject to a competitive evaluation.

Ten EOIs were received from Europe, North America, Asia and Latin America by the 17 January deadline, and three EOIs, from Shenzhen, Glasgow and Montreal, were selected as candidates for detailed proposals. These are due on March 24 and will be reviewed by the six SBE partners and one outside reviewer, and the selected proposal will then be announced at the World SBE20 conference (aka Beyond 2020) in June of this year.

Only one World SBE event can be selected in each three-year cycle, but all other contending teams will be strongly encouraged to consider submitting a proposal for a Regional event, to make best use of the organizational work they have already been through.