The SBE16 conference that will take place in Torino during 18-19 February 2016, is focused on a shift towards post-carbon cities.
This event, sponsored by the City of Torino, CESBA, and the FASUDIR project, and organized by iiSBE Italia and DIST - Politecnico di Torino, has a number of interesting features. As with other SBE16 events, the series sponsors are CIB, iiSBE, UNEP-SBCI and FIDIC.
One of these is free admission to all sessions for students, including PhDs, free public admission to the opening plenary, and a low 200 Euro standard delegate fee. Another unusual aspect is that authors will present drafts of their papers at the conference, and a subsequent discussion period with the audience will lead to a revised paper that will be due one month after the conference.
Keynote speakers of interest will include Umberto Eco and Serge Salat.
Key organisers include:
Patrizia Lombardi (Scientific Committee Chair)
Andrea Moro (Scientific Committtee Co-Chair)
Giulia Barbano (Organising Committee Chair)
Key dates include the following:
* 14 September 2015 abstract submission deadline
* 16 October 2015 notification of acceptance
* 31 December 2015 deadline for submission of papers
* 18-19 February 2016 Conference take place
* 18 March 2016 Revised papers submitted
* 15 April 2016 proceedings published