Competition for Universities at WSB 14

The World Sustainable Building 2014 Conference has announced an International Universities Competition Switch On. Powering Transformation, which aims to include multidisciplinary work teams, composed by university students from fields related to architecture and urban planning, the environment and sustainability, coordinated by university professors.

Submissions will be accepted until the 30th July 2014, while registrations to present proposals that reflect the topics of the Conference and answer the needs of our environment with a sustainable approach will be open until the 20th July 2014. Under a free subject, each project must contribute to the challenges that global change sets before us.

The 3 awarded projects will be invited to present their proposals during the Conference, taking active part in the area “A Global Vision” and supporting the creation of the “World Sustainable Building 2014 Conference” Roadmap. Furthermore, the 15 projects awarded honorable mentions will be exhibited during the Conference.
For an English-language PDF flyer, go to: